Have a complaint?
We appreciate all feedback we receive so we can provide you with the best service
Please contact us with any issues and complaints. Your feedback is important to us.
Please contact us with any issues and complaints. Your feedback is important to us.
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Complaint Handling Policy
Cloud Voice Solutions
Customer Complaint Handling Policy
At Cloud Voice Solutions we are committed to providing our customers with the best products and service. This policy details how Cloud Voice Solutions handles customer complaints about our goods and services. We ensure courtesy, equality, objectivity and efficiency in dealing with customer complaints.
Cloud Voice Solutions Director is responsible for the design, implementation, operation and compliance of this process with the Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code (TCP Code).
This policy does not limit or detract your rights under the Telecommunications Act, the Standard Terms and Conditions, the Trade Practices Act or any other laws.
You may decide to take independent action to enforce your rights if you do not agree with the complaint handling procedures in this statement. However, we believe that our complaint handling procedures will provide a quick resolution of your concerns and difficulties.
The Cloud Voice Solutions complaint handling policy aims to provide an efficient, fair and accessible mechanism for customer complaints.
Your single point of contact will be Cloud Voice Solutions Customer Care; whether you want to file a complaint about technical failure, billing issues, or Cloud Voice Solutions Authorised dealers and staff.
Our objective is to resolve the vast majority of enquiries and complaints during the customer’s first call. Our Customer Service Representatives are trained and authorised to deal with most of the problems or efficient.
Records have to be assessed, or enquiries made with Cloud Voice Solutions Authorised dealers or staff may not always be possible to readily find a solution to a complaint on the first call. Our objective is that unresolved complaints during the first call will be resolved within the agreed timeframes with the client.
To provide a check on the handling of complaints, Cloud Voice Solutions supervisors will:
Randomly check records of complaints received by the Customer Service Representatives (CSR) to ensure that a satisfactory solution has been reached.
Call back a cross section of clients to discuss the handling of the complaint by Cloud Voice Solutions, with the intention to understand how we can make it better; and
Evaluate all allegations unresolved within our timeframes, and determine what action needed to resolve those complaints immediately.
Identify systemic issues and carry out ways of improving our processes and the training of staff.
Complaint Handling Policy
You can ask or request to transfer you to a supervisor if you are not contented with the way the Customer Service Representative handled your complaint. Where you have raised a matter with a supervisor, he or she intends to resolve the matter as soon as possible and within your agreed timeframes. The supervisor will deal with you and not pass messages through other staff.
You can lodge a complaint with us:
Cloud Voice Solutions Customer Care
E-mail: complaints@cloudvoice.au
After receiving your complaint, we will make a verbal or written acknowledgement within two working days with a unique reference number and a timeframe to analyse your complaint and when you can expect your complaint to be resolved.
We aim to resolve all complaints within five working days of the complaint being received. We will advise you beforehand if we are unable to meet this timeframe the reason for the delay and the reschedule another timeframe for resolution.
You can request your complaint to be looked at urgently. We will endeavour to resolve all chief complaints within two working days of the complaint being received. If we are unable to meet the given timeframe, we will inform you the reason for the postponement and the proposed timeframe for resolution.
You are given a unique reference number for your complaint. You can monitor the progress of your complaint using your unique reference number by calling our Customer Service Team on 1300 859 046
We will ask if you agree or satisfied with the proposed solution or not because you must accept it before we implement the proposed solution.
Cloud Voice Solutions believes that its internal appeal process will provide the fastest and most efficient way to resolve customer complaints. You can ask for assistance from the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) if you are dissatisfied with our assessment of your claim or the way we handle it.
You do not have to go through the Cloud Voice Solutions review process because you can raise your complaints to the TIO at any time. Note that. However, the purpose of the TIO service is a “last resort” for allegations of the telecommunications subscribers. The scheme intends to try to settle the situation before referring it to the TIO. You may wish to build it with the ACMA if you believe that any concerns raises significant telecommunications policy issues or is outside the jurisdiction of the TIO.
Complaint Handling Policy
You can register your concerns with the TIO using the details below:
E-mail: complaints@cloudvoice.au

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